Full disclosure—the iPad sleeves that I will be mentioning are made by my wife. If you happen to purchase one, I will get some of the money (whatever she decides to let me have).
My wife is an avid quilter, but not in the sense that most non-quilters would think of (sitting in a chair sewing together a bunch of squares by hand). She prefers to think of herself as a fabric artist and when you look at one of her recent quilts you will understand why.

About a month ago, the case I originally got for my iPad fell apart completely, and I fell in love with the feel of using the iPad without a case. So I asked Ingrid if she would make a sleeve for me to keep my iPad in. She gladly obliged and had fun doing it.
She had a lot of fun.
So she decided to make some more and sell them on a website. I have been using mine for about a month and it works and looks great.
I will say though that these sleeves are not like others you might find. They are not mass-produced at all, but are made in a series of about five sleeves. She will design a series that all look alike and do about five of them (or so). There will be some variation between the sleeves within a series, but not much.