View from the office

Published on 10/10/07

I am diligently working on adding a calendar function to net-at-hand. This will be very useful for churches or anyone who has a calendar of upcoming events that they want to share with people on their website. I am really hoping that churches take advantage of it.

One of the things that I love about self-employment, so far, is that I can work anywhere and everywhere. Especially when I am working on coding, all I need is the macbook. Well, yesterday I decided that I should go to the park to work. The image below is what I sent to some of my former co-workers (who happen to still work in a cubicle) and told them it was the view from my office.

New attached image

It was taken with my macbook’s isight camera while I was sitting at a picnic table working. I love my new job!

First Day

Published on 07/31/07

Today was my first day as a self employed individual.

It was hard. Not harder than I was expecting, but hard. The problem is balancing the many things that need to get done. My to do list is extremely long. Taxes, company website, net-at-hand help site, keeping up with accounts, finishing touches on net-at-hand. None of those are directly involved in providing income over the next couple weeks. But they are all needed for the activity that will provide income, getting and keeping clients.

This is not going to be one big complaint, because I am living my dream job. I was not naive to think it was going to be all fun and games. I knew it was going to be work. I knew it was going to be hard work. The work is here, and I am just getting started.

This blog is going to document the building of a company and a product from the ground up. It is going to be exciting and fun. It is going to be work. It is going to be stress. It is going to be worth it.